Maasai Mara Lions Osprey Safaris Kenya

Kenyan National Holiday in the Mara

Osprey Safaris Kenya was back out in the Mara this weekend during the holiday.  Lots of exciting adventure in the Mara Triangle and visiting with our great friends at the Mara Serena Lodge.  Check out some of our photos from the weekend on Instagram or Facebook.  Be sure to like us and follow for more great updates from the field. 

Yes that’s John, our head guide getting up close and personal with the Lions and their kill. Another fantastic day out in the Mara. 

Happy Republic Day or Independence Day.
This is Kenya’s National Day and as such marks two key events in the history of the country. It celebrates Kenya becoming a republic on December 12th 1964 and also marks Kenya’s independence from the United Kingdom a year earlier on December 12th 1963.
History of Jamhuri Day
The first colonists from Europe to have a presence in Kenya were German, but in 1890, the region came under the control of the Imperial British East Africa Company, and Kenya was part of the British East Africa protectorate until it became a British crown colony in 1920.  Disputes over land were common, leading to the Mau Mau rebellion in 1952, which effectively put Kenya into a state of emergency for the next seven years.  The first direct elections took place in 1957, with the Kenya African National Union led by Jomo Kenyatta forming the first government.   Kenya gained its independence on December 12th 1963 and was admitted into the Commonwealth as a republic exactly one year later, with Jomo Kenyatta as president.

Masai Mara Safari

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